Welcome to Lighthouse Community Church!
Location: LCC
Location: LCC
For 6th-12th graders (in youth room)
with Pastor Jason
Interested in making Lighthouse your home church? Our "New Members" Classes are the place to start!
This class is taken all online & it is the perfect place to find out how Lighthouse runs, where you can get plugged in, and get answers to any other questions you may have about Lighthouse.
Please contact the office (618-327-4006) if you have any questions, or if you are interested in taking this course.
Lighthouse Community Church exists:
To Live by Faith in Jesus
To be Known by Love through Jesus
To be a Voice of Hope because of Jesus
For the Glory and Renown of Jesus
This mission is founded on the testimony God inspired Paul to speak of to the church at Thessalonica in 1 Thessalonians 1:3, "We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."
To Live by Faith in Jesus
- Ephesians 2:8-9 is clear that we are saved by the Grace of God through our faith in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and His victorious resurrection 3 days later.
- To live in that faith is defined by Jesus in Luke 9:23 when we die to ourselves and follow Him.
To be Known by Love through Jesus
- 1 Corinthians 13 provides us with a clear understanding of how God defines love.
- We are able to love the way God commands us to because God loves through us as we abide in Him and He abides in us according to 1 John
To be a Voice of Hope because of Jesus
- Ephesians 2:5-7 tells of the victorious hope we have in our secured, glorious, and eternal life because of Jesus.
- It is now our duty to tell others that as Paul did and claimed that stewardship of the gospel in Colossians 1:25-28.
For the Glory and Renown of Jesus
- As we read in Isaiah 43:7, God, in His all-surpassing wisdom, created us to make His glory and splendor known.
- According to 1 Corinthians 10:31, we are to do this in all things.
We don't believe that church should be complicated. We exist for the glory and renown of Jesus! And since our mission is simple, so is our vision.
The way we believe we will accomplish our mission is by:
- Being a Community Transformed by the Gospel (Romans 12:1-2)
Everything hinges on this first point. If we are not truly transformed from the inside out, then we are just putting on a front and playing the game of church with the rules of religion. So what does this look like? The work of the Holy Spirit has definite effects on the lives of believers that moves us from living for anything else in this world to being devoted fully to Christ.
- Being Physically & Visibly Planted in our Community (James 1:26-2:4)
This is a natural outflowing of the transformed life. We don't want to be known as a church simply because of our building or our name. We want to be known as the church because people can see it in what we do. We want people to hear our good Gospel, see our good works, and know our good love. And all of this as a reflection of what Christ has exhibited in our lives.
- Multiplying Ourselves (Matthew 9:35-38, Acts 1:8, 2 Timothy 1:6-10)
This is what we do and we will see this accomplished in 2 ways. First we will multiply ourselves in our community. We love, serve, and meet real-life needs while earning the right to speak to the eternal needs of people. We will see people graciously saved by the Lord when we intentionally share the gospel everywhere we go. Second, we will multiply ourselves through faithful discipleship.
- Leaving a legacy to be built upon
Our desire is not for our own fame or our own comfort. We will be a community of believers that gladly exhausts our life for the sake of the gospel. We are in a unique season in the life of Lighthouse and we trust God has led us to this point. As a result, our hope is to enable generations that follow to have a pattern of faith to build upon and to entrust whatever work we get to partake in to those who come after us until we are all called up into the glorious eternity that awaits us with God, our Father and King.
Below is an overview of our beliefs as they pertain to core doctrines. If you desire to know in more detail what we believe, please see The Baptist Faith and Message which we hold to in it’s entirety.
- The Bible
The Bible is God’s way of telling us who He is. It was written by men who were divinely inspired by God. It is completely perfect, trustworthy, and without any mixture of any error. All of Scripture points to Jesus Christ. And it reveals how we are to respond to God and conduct our daily lives.
- God
There is only one living and true God. He is the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver, and Ruler of the Universe. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere. And the eternal triune God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- God the Father
God as Father reigns over His creation with care. He is infinitely loving and wise. And He adopts any person as a child when they put their faith in Jesus Christ.
- God the Son
Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. In what is called the incarnation, He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. Jesus came to do the will of the Father and complete His Work. He was tempted with sin just like us, yet He remained perfect and sinless. He lived the life we could not (perfect righteousness). He died the death we deserve. And rose from the grave 3 days later, overcoming death, and offering eternal life to all who believe and follow Him.
- God the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit of God convicts people of sin and righteousness. He enables people to understand the truth of God and calls all who will believe to the Savior. He leads believers to live obediently for Jesus, comforts the hurting, and gives spiritual gifts through which we can serve God in ministry.
- Salvation of Man
We believe that salvation is through Jesus Christ alone and the atonement and forgiveness He extended to us on the cross. We believe that man was created in the image of God, that man sinned (rebelled against God) and because of the fall, incurred both a physical death and a spiritual death (eternal separation from God). We believe that all human beings are born with a sinful nature. We believe that all who call upon the name of the Lord as Savior will be saved and will spend eternity with God.
- Baptism
We believe baptism is to be done by those who have trusted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Baptism does not save anyone. It is simply an act of obedience. Baptism is an outward symbol of the believer’s faith. Just as Christ died, was buried, and rose again, believers are fully immersed in the water signifying they have died to sin, buried their old way of living, and are now raised to live for Jesus.
- Communion
The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act of obedience. The elements of bread and juice symbolize the body of Jesus that was broken for us and the blood that He shed for the forgiveness of our sin. When we partake in communion, we are reminded the perfect sacrifice He made in our place, we proclaim the hope of salvation that comes from this sacrifice, and we anticipate His second coming.
- Stewardship
God is the source of all blessings. Everything we have, temporal and eternal, physical and spiritual are from Him. As a result, we want to be a good stewards of all that God has given to us and entrusted to us. We desire to serve the Lord with our time, our talents, and our treasures. We give under compulsion, but willingly, cheerfully, and liberally. We believe tithing 10% to the ministry of the Lord through our local church is just the starting point. As we discern the leading of the Spirit to give to others in need for the advancement of God’s plan on earth.
- Sharing the Gospel of Jesus
It is the duty and privilege of every believer to exhaust their life for the Lord Jesus. We share the gospel by exemplifying the life of Christ daily and by verbally sharing the good news of hope and forgiveness found alone in Him. And of course, we also like to invite our friends to church where the gospel is proclaimed without apology.
© 2015-2025 Lighthouse Community Church | Powered by
We gather for our worship experience every Sunday at 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM.
What should I wear?
Clothes would be a good start :) Honestly, we don't care what you wear. We want you to be comfortable. People will dress in casual jeans and t-shirt, or in business casual with khakis and a polo.
What can I expect when I visit?
Upon arrival, you will be warmly welcomed by our Greeter Team. You can access our online bulletins by clicking here. You have the option to fill out a Connect Card on our website or when you arrive in person. We are eager to get to know you and share how you can participate in what God is doing here at Lighthouse. Look for signs directing you to the auditorium, the bathrooms, the kid's ministry check-in, and our fellowship area. Feel free to grab a free cup of coffee, juice, or breakfast item. Once the worship experience begins, our band will lead you in a mix of contemporary music and traditional hymns, all of which find their truth in the Scriptures. Expect to be challenged and encouraged with a message rooted in the Bible & centered on the gospel of Jesus. Our services may include worship in communion, celebrating and remembering what Jesus accomplished for us through his death and resurrection. We encourage everyone who has declared their faith in the work of Jesus Christ and followed Him in baptism to partake in communion.
Set up recurring weekly/monthly offerings, contribute to one time events, or give toward special occasions.
Choose which fund you would like to give to, and it goes directly to Lighthouse, in an easy, secure transaction.
Once you input the amount and fund you would like to give to, the option to pay with a credit card or through your bank account will appear.
Just follow the instructions from there. Thank You!
You can now Text to Give as well. Simply text the word “Give” to 618-323-3441.
Welcome to Lighthouse Kids!
Our children's ministry here at Lighthouse is a vibrant program catering to children from newborn through 5th grade. We offer a variety of age-appropriate classes in our different classrooms, allowing every child to learn and grow at their own pace. Children can attend these classes during our 10 am service on Sunday mornings.
Nursery: Newborn-Walkers
Preschool: 3-5 year olds
K-2nd: Entering Kindergarten - 2nd grade
3rd-5th: Entering 3rd grade - 5th grade
Rest assured that our classrooms are staffed with God-loving teachers and helpers who have been background-checked and are excited to teach your child about God's love!
If you are in 6th-12th grade, and not plugged in, you are missing out! Being involved in youth group allows you to grow spiritually and gain lasting friendships; so what are you waiting for?!
Our Student ministry exists to help students discover who Jesus is and how they can live radically sold out to Him. You don't have to wait to be an "adult" to find your ministry. God has one right here and right now for you!
So whether that is on the ball field, in a club, or in the classroom, we want to help you live on mission right where God has placed you.
Middle school students meet on Wednesdays from 6-8
High School students meet on Wednesdays from 7-9
A typical Wednesday night includes:
We also have several planned activities throughout the year including
If you have questions about Student Ministry, contact Calista @ 618.314.6218
Join us for our young adult ministry every Sunday night at 6:00 pm! Enjoy an evening of worship, an inspiring message, small group discussions, and a chance to connect with others in fellowship. We look forward to seeing you there!
The church is more than a group of people who gather once a week for a worship service. We are the body of Christ, & we are a family. Like any family, we care about each other and want to do life together.
This ministry exists for this purpose: whether it is providing refreshments for our Sunday morning worship gatherings, taking meals to those who just had surgery, or hosting a fellowship event for everyone, we desire to help our people connect in intentional ways so that relationships can grow deeper and so that Christ will be exalted in the life of our church.
Community Care specifically serves our church in 4 areas:
Visitor Follow-up
At Lighthouse, each individual is more than just a face in the crowd. They have a unique story, a journey that has brought them to us. Our Visitor Follow-Up team, under the leadership of Jana Tull, ensures that everyone who fills out a 'connect card' receives a special gift from us. This personal approach makes each person feel truly valued and important.
Sunday Morning Fellowship
The church should be vibrant and we celebrate that here at Lighthouse. This team serves our church by providing breakfast refreshments each Sunday between our services. So stop by the coffee bar, grab a snack or drink, and start a conversation with someone!
Meal Train
Life can be challenging enough without the added pressures of what happens when a loved one is sick, in the hospital, or has passed away. This team, led by Gina Eberhart, loves the families of our church and community when these troubling times arise. They serve by providing meals, tidying up, running errands, or doing whatever else will help alleviate some of the family's stress. Their actions show compassion and empathy, reminding us of the importance of supporting each other when in need.
Celebration Events
Life was not meant to be dull, and neither was the church. Jesus told us that He had come so that we may have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10)! This team serves the church by providing events through which our people can gather intentionally for a shared meal, to celebrate baptism, or just for some fun and laughs.
Hands of Mercy ministry is dedicated to showing love to people in our community, region, and beyond. It all started when a local family had a need, and our church was able to help them. This inspired us to proactively meet needs, rather than just reacting to them.
Hands of Mercy addresses genuine needs, such as providing clothing and groceries to those in need, providing Christmas presents for children, and even collecting school supplies for children in Haiti.
While meeting people's physical needs is excellent, the main goal of this ministry is to love others as Jesus does and to share our faith in Jesus with people in the process.
If you are interested in serving in this ministry, contact the office at office@lcc-nashville.com
And be sure to check this page regularly to discover new ways that you can help us share the love of Jesus with people here and all over the world!
Life Groups & Bible studies
Hebrews 10:24-25 (CSB) "And let us consider one another in order to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage each other and all the more as you see the day approaching."
Jason and his family relocated from Florida to Illinois to pursue his calling at Lighthouse. With 27 years of full-time ministry experience, Jason is dedicated to evangelism and discipleship.
He and his wife have four children: Isaiah (married to Lexi), Elijah (married to Emily), Rebecca, and Ezra. Jason is excited to serve the communities of Nashville and Washington County. He holds an undergraduate degree from Moody Bible Institute and a Master’s degree from Liberty University.
AJ became a Pastoral Intern with the Lighthouse staff in 2019 and has since stepped into the position of Associate Pastor. He has been leading worship at Lighthouse since August 2021, although he has been a member of the band since 2018. With a deep passion for music and a commitment to sharing the Gospel, AJ truly cares for Lighthouse and its community.
He is married to Calista, and together they have three children: Carson, Myra, and Crosby.
Calista became a part of the Lighthouse staff in 2019, taking on the role of Student Ministry Leader. With a genuine passion for the students at LCC, she is dedicated to helping them grow in their relationship with Christ. In addition to her leadership role, Calista has been serving as the Ministry Assistant at Lighthouse since August 2021.
Jane has been serving in this position since 2019. She is the head of the hospitality team.
Other ministries under community care include the greeter team, meal train, & the visitor's team.
Since August 2017, Maria has been the director of the Children's Ministry. Each week, you can find her dancing, singing, and playing games with the children, radiating the love of Jesus. With a passion for missions and a genuine affection for kids, she truly gives her whole heart to her work.